酒意思 - Sip with Joyce

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New York on Pause: 3 Meals a Day <Part IV>【紐約居家防疫之一日三餐:第四篇】

Sesame Red Bean and Red Dates Congee/ 紅豆紅棗粥


  • Sesame Red Bean and Red Dates Congee

In Chinese culture, we believe that having something warm for breakfast would warm your stomach and keep you in good health. Thanks to my mom that I have kept this habit since I was a child.

Congee is something that we eat all the time. You can have it for breakfast; while you catch a cold and don’t have any appetite; it can be served as an afternoon snack or a dessert. It can savory or sweet and the best part of all, it’s easy to digest. 

My mom used to make this sweet congee and served as breakfast or snack to our family. We all enjoyed it very much. Making this congee reminds me how my mom showed her love through cooking for us. I shall do the same thing for my family too. 


  • Oxtail Risotto Chef’s Way

We had some oxtail stew leftover from the other night that Chef cooked. He added some vegetables and rice in the oxtail stew and turned it into a brand new dish.

Oxtail Risotto Chef’s Way/ 牛尾燉飯


  • Oven Roasted Thinly Sliced Pork Chop

  • Stir-Fried Carrots, Mushroom, and Sugar Snap Peas

Wine of my Choice:

  • Château de Lagarde En Memoire du Malbec Bordeaux  🇫🇷 2016

I was in charge of cooking dinner for the night and let Chef take a break. The soy sauce marinated pork chop is one of my favorite dishes that my mom cooked for us all the time. I finally had the chance to make it. It didn’t taste exactly like my mom’s but the essence was there. I believe, with a couple try, I will be able to master it! 

Do you know Bordeaux is the birthplace of Malbec and it was widely planted in Bordeaux before the devastating frost in 1956? This En Memoire du Malbec (In Memory of Malbec) is made with 100 % organic Malbec grown in Bordeaux. This is an easy drinking Malbec. It has great body, balanced with great acidity and not to jammy. It goes very well with the soy sauce marinated pork chop as well as mushrooms.  This is a wine that you can enjoy without thinking too much.

【紐約居家防疫之一日三餐】 <第四篇>

Malbec from Bordeaux / 來自波爾多的馬爾貝克

Oven Roasted Thinly Sliced Pork Chop with Malbec from Bordeaux / 醬烤豬肉排飯搭配來自波爾多的馬爾貝克


  • 芝麻紅豆紅棗粥


  • 牛尾燉飯



  • 醬烤豬肉排

  • 紅蘿蔔香菇炒雪豆


  • Château de Lagarde En Memoire du Malbec Bordeaux  🇫🇷 2016


你知道阿根廷最有名的馬爾貝克葡萄(Malbec) 其原生地是在法國波爾多嗎?1956年時法國發生了ㄧ場嚴重的霜害,種植在波爾多地區的馬爾貝克葡萄受到嚴重的影響。此後,許多酒莊改種其他較耐霜害的葡萄品種,馬爾貝克葡萄從此在波爾多退居於配角的角色,但仍在波爾多佔有一定的重要性。

這瓶餐酒是採用100%有機耕種的馬爾貝克葡萄釀製而成。表現中規中矩,充滿濃郁的黑色水果果香卻不甜膩; 酸度、酒體適中,相當的平衡。是一款易飲易懂的酒。搭配醬油醃過的烤豬排相當合襯,配菜中的香菇與酒的搭配更是合拍。

好的餐酒搭配其實有很多種形式,不見得非要驚天動地不可; 有時候,一種小確幸或是生活中所獲得的小小幸福感,也算。