Joyce Lin, born and raised in Taiwan, is a certified sommelier, wine writer, and video producer based in New York City. After working in the arts for more than a decade, her passion for wine has led her to pursue her career in the world of wine.
She became a certified sommelier with the Court of Master Sommeliers in 2015 and earned WSET Level 3 Award in Wines in April, 2020. Since then, Joyce has been working as a wine professional, writing about wine, hosting wine tasting classes and events, consulting for food and wine pairing, and producing food and wine pairing videos.
Joyce strongly believes an outstanding food and wine pairing not only brings out the best parts of the food and wine but elevates the entire dinning experience whether it’s a fine dinning setting or at home.
Joyce Lin,台灣屏東人,目前旅居紐約。
Joyce 自2015年取得 The Court of Master Sommeliers 所頒發的侍酒師二級認證照,便在葡萄酒產業裡工作,並且開始執筆寫作,開辦品酒會、餐酒會,擔任私人葡萄酒顧問至今。在2019年時 Joyce 繼續深造,取得WSET 英國葡萄酒與烈酒教育基金會的3 級認證。目前正在攻讀 WSET Diploma 課程。
Joyce 定期為 Trink Magazine 和 Grape Collective 等線上葡萄酒雜誌撰稿。她的餐酒搭配推薦及品飲推薦曾被《Somm Journal》、《Wine Enthusiast》、《New York Post》、《NBC News》、《SevenFifty Daily》、VinePair》、《Delectable》 等媒體報導。
Please follow my Instagram / 歡迎追蹤我的IG @joyce_foodnwine
在我的 IG 裡精選了各式各樣的餐酒搭配,有葡萄酒餐搭,清酒、威士忌及雞尾酒餐搭任你挑選。
酒意思 (JoYiSi) Sip with Joyce serves as an omnichannel plantform providing readers abundant food and wine pairing ideas along with wine related information from a sommelier’s points of view. The website focuses on promoting the concept of food and wine pairing that is deeply imbedded in Europe. Our goal is to enlighten your dining experience through wine and bring joy to your dinner table via our pairing ideas.
Let 酒意思 (JoYiSi) Sip with Joyce inspire you.
Wine Industry Certifications:
The Court of Master Sommeliers, Certified Sommelier
Wine & Spirit Education Trust Level 3 Award in Wines
CAVA ACADEMY Certified CAVA Educator
Joyce 對美食的喜愛程度不亞於對葡萄酒的熱愛。她深深的相信,美食如果搭配到合適的葡萄酒,不僅能帶出各方的美妙滋味,激發味蕾感官,進而提升整體的用餐經驗,享受餐酒搭配帶來的絕妙感受。也因此激勵她創建酒意思 SIP WITH JOYCE。
酒意思 Sip with Joyce 是以一個專業侍酒師的視角為讀者朋友們提供各式餐酒搭配的好點子及葡萄酒相關知識的平台,致力推廣美酒+美食的全新飲食觀,倡導在歐洲流傳已久的生活文化與態度。讓品飲葡萄酒變得生活化,更加平易近人。此外,酒意思 SIP WITH JOYCE也舉辦品酒課程和相關活動,並為私人客戶提供葡萄酒諮詢服務。有興趣的朋友,歡迎與我們接洽!
讓酒意思 Sip with Joyce 帶著你一起品酒、做餐搭,享受人生、品味生活!
侍酒大師協會 (The Court of Master Sommeliers)
二級侍酒師證照(Certified Sommelier)
WSET 英國葡萄酒及列酒教育基金會 葡萄酒認證三級
CAVA ACADEMY Certified CAVA Educator