你能想像台菜料理「破布子蒸魚」也能與葡萄酒做餐搭嗎?Wine Pairing with Steamed Fish with Cordia Dichotoma
In this video, Joyce collaborates with her artist friend, Manti, to show us how to cook this unique Taiwanese dish: Steamed Fish with Corida Dichotoma and shares her ideas on how to pair wine with the dish.

最令人意想不到的台菜餐酒搭配:蒼蠅頭與葡萄酒的相見歡 Wine Pairing for the Taiwanese Delicacy: Flies' Heads
In this video, Joyce invites Dani Chou, the founder of Petals by Dani to show us how to cook this classic Taiwanese dish: Flies’ Heads and shares the tips on how to pick wines that go with the dish.

Pairing Wine with Hamburg Steak 2 Ways【漢堡排親子餐與葡萄酒的美妙搭配】
In this video, Joyce invites her very good friends, Vicky and Shukun, and their beautiful kids to show us how to cook this combo meal: “Hamburg Steak Two Ways”. It’s a meal that they join enjoy very much and it only takes 30 minutes to make.

Pairing Wine with Ukraine Borscht 【烏克蘭羅宋湯搭葡萄酒最對味】
Calling for Borscht lovers! In the video, Joyce’s friend, Vicky Chang, an established chef, shows us how to make Borscht, a dish has passed down from her beloved bubbie. What wind would go with Borscht? Just keep watching…

Pairing Wine with Jeyuk Bokkeum (Spicy Pork Bulgogi )【韓式辣炒豬肉與葡萄酒的餐酒搭配】
In this video, Joyce’s very good friend, Mina Kim, will show us how to make Jeyuk Bokkeum (Spicy Pork Bulgogi ), a beloved Korean dish that is passing down from Mina’s family for generations. Joyce shares her insightful ideas to pair wine with the dish.

Pairing Wine with Spicy Tomato Prawns【辣炒茄汁明蝦與葡萄酒的餐酒搭配】
In this video, Joyce teams up with Jessica Chu, the co-founder of Chumami Chili Oil. Jessica will show you how to make Spicy Tomato Prawns and Joyce would share the wine pairing ideas with the dish.

Pairing Wine with Vegetable Medley【經典年菜餐酒搭配:什錦菜遇見葡萄酒】
Vegetable Medley, a regional dish that is usually consumed during Lunar New Year in Nanjin, China. In this video, you will find how to make the dish, the symbolic meaning behind the dish and what wine can go with it.

Pairing Wine with Stewed Beef Brisket with Tomatoes【蕃茄燉牛腩與葡萄酒搭配的可能性】
Wanted to learn how to cook Beef Brisket with Tomatoes? Can wine go with the dish? Check out the video and you will find the answers to these questions.

Mai-bing’s Soul Mate: Grüner Veltliner【浙江傳統美食:麥餅與葡萄酒的餐酒搭配 】
Have you ever had or heard of Mai-bing before? Can wine pair with Mai-bing? Click on the video, you will find all the answers to the questions.

Wine Pairing with Hakka Salted Pork【客家鹹豬肉遇見葡萄酒 】
Join me with the this fun journey of learning how to make Hakka Salted Pork and how to pair wine with it by watching this video.

Wine Pairing with Coffin Bread 【台南小吃:棺材板與葡萄酒的餐酒搭配 】
In this video, Joyce teams up with Gabi Fang to show us how to make Coffin Bread and pair wine with this dish.

Could Wine Pair with Fried Stinky Tofu?【葡萄酒搭炸臭豆腐,到底行不行?】
In this video, Joyce shares her ideas of pairing wine with a well-known Taiwanese snacks, Fried Stinky Tofu. Don’t walk away. Come check out this fun food and wine pairing. Get inspired.

What to Pair with Taiwanese Beef Noodle Soup? 【台灣國民美食:台灣牛肉麵與葡萄酒的餐酒搭配】
Check out 酒意思 Sip with Joyce’s inaugurated video as Joyce shares wine pairing ideas with a signature dish of Taiwan: Taiwanese Beef Noodle Soup.
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