Great Wines of Italy New York 2022 - 遇見紐約+酒意思SIP WITH JOYCE 特別報導

So pleased to have the opportunity to partner with 遇見紐約 and give you a quick tour of Great Wines of Italy New York 2022, the biggest premium Italian wine event in the United States hosted by James Suckling.


Mr. James Suckling expresses his excitement about the event returning to US after 3 years due to covid during our interview.


We also talked to Mr. Werner Waldboth with Abbazia di Novacella, one of the oldest Italian wineries in Alto Adige region and Mr. Cesare Benvenuto with Pio Cesare, a well-known Barolo producer in Alba, Piedmont.


Thanks Emma, the founder of 遇見紐約 for this wonderful opportunity. It’s been my pleasure to work with you and your team.

睽違三年的 Great Wines of Italy 终于在2022年的9月8日在紐約如期举行。遇見紐約酒意思SIP WITH JOYCE 連袂合作,為您採訪報導美國最大最頂級的義大利葡萄酒品鑒會。

我們采訪了國際名葡萄酒評論家 James Suckling 先生,同時也是Great Wines of Italy的主辦人。James Suckling 先生開心地表示:「這個活動能再度回到紐約,帶著180家頂級意大利葡萄酒酒莊参展,與葡萄酒愛好者們見面,實在是太棒了!」


另外,我們也專訪了來自義大利最北邊的Alto Adige 產區的 Abbazia di Novacella 酒莊及來自Piedmont 產區以Barolo而享譽盛名的 Pio Cesare 酒莊。


非常感謝「遇見紐約」的創辦人 Emma 的邀請,有機會能參與 Great Wines of Italy 報導。對葡萄酒有興趣的朋友們,這個一年一度的品酒盛宴絕對是品嚐頂級義大利葡萄酒的絕佳機會。

歡迎追蹤我的IG @joyce_foodnwine

Follow my Instagram account: @joyce_foodnwine for more food and wine pairing ideas! 







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