When Sake takes on Veggie Tempura & Gungjung-tteokbokki 【當純米大吟釀對上時蔬天婦羅與宮廷炒年糕】

Seasonal Spring Vegetable : Chive Blossom

Look at these lovely Chive Blossom/ 瞧瞧這些小巧可愛的細香蔥花

Look at these lovely Chive Blossom/ 瞧瞧這些小巧可愛的細香蔥花

We spotted the chive blossom in the farmers’ market in the neighborhood. It’s very seasonal and hard to find. I could not leave the market without having a bunch in my shopping basket.


  • Chive Blossom, Asparagus, and Pumpkin Tempura

  • Gungjung-tteokbokki (Korean Royal Court Stir Fried Rice Cakes)


  • Senkin Modern Muku Junmai Daiginjo, Tochigi, Japan 🇯🇵 

I could not think of a better to way to cook Chive Blossom: Deep Fried. Chef made this super light tempura batter to show case the flavor of the Chive Blossom and the other vegetables. It’s airy, crunchy and satisfying.

Senkin Shuzo is located in Tochigi, which is about two hours train ride north of Tokyo. Established in 1806, Senkin Shuzo has passed sake making down in the family generation after generation. This Senkin Modern Mumu Junmail Daigingo is pure, bright and elegant. With aromas of banana, pink grapefruit, lemon zest and savory dried herbs notes, Senkin lures you to sip glass after glass. 

Sake is so versatile. It pairs well with Japanese cuisine but it goes wonderfully with this Korean stir fried rice cake too. The savory components in both the dish and the sake complement each other so well. Having Korean food for dinner and don’t know what wine to pair with? Try sake for a change. You might agree with me.

Gungjung-tteokbokki and Chive Blossom, Asparagus, and Pumpkin Tempura/ 宮庭炒年糕與時蔬天婦羅:細香蔥花、蘆筍、南瓜

Gungjung-tteokbokki and Chive Blossom, Asparagus, and Pumpkin Tempura/ 宮庭炒年糕與時蔬天婦羅:細香蔥花、蘆筍、南瓜




  • 時蔬天婦羅- 細香蔥花、蘆筍、南瓜

  • 宮庭炒年糕


  • 仙禽無垢 Modern 純米大吟釀清酒 🇯🇵 





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