New York on Pause: 3 Meals a Day <Part II> 【紐約居家防疫之一日三餐:第二篇】
Grüner Veltliner from Austria/ 來自奧地利的綠維特利納白酒
Tomato and Mushroom Scrambled Eggs and Cream Corn Soup/ 蕃茄蘑菇炒蛋與玉米濃湯
We are trying very hard not to read too much news instead just focusing on our usual daily routines. We try to eat healthy and cook as much as we can. Hopefully, sharing what we eat during a day with you would bring you a little joy.
Brunch :
Tomato and Mushroom Scrambled Eggs
Cream Corn Soup
Wine of my Choice:
Buchegger ‘Ried Geppling’ Grüner Veltliner, Kremstal, Austria 🇦🇹 2017
Grüner Veltliner is the most planted white grape variety in Austria and is considered Austria’s the signature grape. Buchegger, a six generation winemaking family, is located in Kremstal, a fantastic wine region adjacent to Wachau. Sourced from Ried Geppling, one of the best vineyards in the region, this sustainablely farmed Grüner Veltliner is robust and jazzy. It has a round mouthfeel with seductive aromas of honey, Meyer lemon, Bartlett pear and a hint of yeastiness.
Pairing with tomato and mushroom scrambled eggs and cream corn soup, this Grüner Veltliner complements the flavors of these two dishes so well and takes them to the next level. It’s truly a wonderful surprise! Another glass perhaps?
Afternoon Tea:
Matcha Red Bean Cup Cake
Make Your Own Surf and Turf Tacos
Tequila Sunrise
Chef wanted to have a cocktail made of tequila, so I did some quick research and the Tequila Sunrise caught my eyes. So, there you have it. We are drinking Tequila Sunrise to pair with the surf and turf tacos tonight.
Tequila Sunrise is a classic and beautiful cocktail. It only requires only 3 ingredients: Tequila, orange juice and grenadine. It’s refreshing, colorful and somewhat festive. During this difficult time, I think anything that can cheer us works. Without doubt, this cocktail goes well with any kind of Mexican cuisine including tacos.
【紐約居家防疫之一日三餐】< 第二篇 >
Afternoon Teatime: Matcha Red Bean Cup Cake with Americano/ 下午茶時間:抹茶紅豆杯子蛋糕配美式咖啡
Make Your Own Surf and Turf Tacos/ 墨西哥玉米餅之海陸雙拼套餐
Buchegger ‘Ried Geppling’ Grüner Veltliner, Kremstal Austria 🇦🇹 2017
談到奧地利的白葡萄酒,除了麗絲伶 (Riesling) 之外,還有一個最具代表性的白葡萄品種,你不能不知道,那就是綠維特利納 (Grüner Veltliner)。綠維特利納可算是奧地利葡萄酒中的第一種子選手,不僅其種植面積最廣,在國際間也享譽盛名。綠維特利納以其爽脆的酸度聞名,剛釀好的新酒常有柑橘或桃子的香氣; 白胡椒粒也是綠維特利納的特色風味之一。隨著陳釀的時間拉長,蜂蜜的甜香、烘烤堅果的香氣會慢慢的展現,酒的風韻開始改變。
Buchegger 酒莊座落於維也納西北方的 Kremstal 產區,由於其地形、氣候及土壤組成等的風土條件影響下,非常適合種植麗絲伶及綠維特利納。在 Kremstal 產區釀出來的綠維特利納大多果香濃郁,酒體豐厚而口感圓潤。Buchegger 酒莊六代相傳,目前採用永續農耕法經營期他們的葡萄園。
這瓶來自Ried Geppling單一田園的綠維特利納入口後口感圓潤,蜂蜜、檸檬、西洋梨的香氣活潑而奔放,帶勁的酸度還夾雜著淡淡的酵母味及白胡椒的辛香,配著番茄蘑菇炒蛋與玉米濃湯,不但提出蛋與玉米的鮮甜,與番茄、蘑菇的配對更是拍案叫絕,令人讚嘆著怎麼會有這麼搭得餐酒搭配?還沒有喝過綠維特利納的朋友們,一定要試試!
Look at the colorful Tequila Sunrise /色彩鮮豔的龍舌蘭日出