The Most Chilled Summer Wine Pairing: Taiwanese Cold Noodles + Albino Armani 1607 Pinot Grigio【今夏最涼、最消暑的餐酒搭配: 台式涼麵 + 義大利灰皮諾白酒】
Introducing a food and wine pairing that can cool you down under the brutal summer heat: Taiwanese Cold Noodle (Liang Mian) with Albino Armani Pinot Grigio from Italy
Wine Pairing Idea for Taiwanese Cold Sesame Noodles 【吃台式涼麵,搭什麼葡萄酒好呢?】
What make Cold Sesame Noodles so special and addictive is the dressing. It is the focal point of this dish.
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