Wine Pairing Idea for Taiwanese Cold Sesame Noodles 【吃台式涼麵,搭什麼葡萄酒好呢?】

Erbaluce, a native white grape variety mainly grown in Carluso in northern Piemonte.

Erbaluce, a native white grape variety mainly grown in Carluso in northern Piemonte.


  • Taiwanese Style Cold Sesame Noodles

Wine of My Choice:

  • Favaro ‘Le Chiusure’ Erbaluce di Caluso DOCG Piemonte Italy 🇮🇹 2017

Colorful Cold Sesame Noodles wet your appetite during hot summer days

Colorful Cold Sesame Noodles wet your appetite during hot summer days

Taiwan has a subtropical monsoon climate; summers can be brutally hot and humid. There are only a few cold dishes people enjoy having during hot summer in Taiwan. One of them is Cold Sesame Noodles. 

Every household has their own version of Cold Sesame Noodles in terms of toppings and dressing. Chef likes to use Angel Hair Pasta instead of the traditional yellow noodles because of the accessibility as well as the texture. As for the toppings, egg and carrot shreds are must have in our household, but you can add anything you have on hand such as ham, cucumbers and etc. Before finishing up, you can always spice it up with some chili oil to give it a little kick.

What make Cold Sesame Noodles so special and addictive is the dressing. It is the focal point of this dish. All you need is sesame paste, soy sauce, rice vinegar, sugar, and garlic. The flavor of the sauce is salty, nutty, savory, and garlicky with a touch of sweet and sour. The point to make this food and wine pairing successful is to find a wine compliments the flavor of the sauce.  I would suggest white wines over reds, since the red wines would easily overpower the flavor of the sauce. 

I found this Favaro “Le Chiusure” Erbaluce di Caluso goes so well with the sauce. The body and intensity of wine act as a counterweight to the sauce; its enticing fruitiness and mouthwatering acidity reduce the richness of the sauce. I’m so excited about this food and wine pairing and can’t wait to share with you. You know what to do when you have Cold Sesame Noodles next time, right?

The Grape: Erbaluce

Erbaluce (Erbaluce Bianco), a native white grape variety, is primarily grown in Carluso in northern Piedmonte, Italy. Known for its bright vivacious acidity, it’s mainly used for the production of sweet and sparkling wine. Sweet passito Erbaluce di Caluso enjoys the highest reputation among the white wine of Piedmonte. Still, dry version of Erbaluce has gained popularity among producers and customers over the years. It’s also is considered one of the most interesting dry whites of Piedmonte today. If you spot a bottle of dry Erbaluce in your local wine shop, grab one! 





大廚使用天使的髮絲(意大利細麵)來替代傳統的油麵,(一來,在我們這,意大利細麵取得比油麵方便; 二來,意大利細麵的口感與油麵相差不遠。)再配上自己調製的芝麻醬,佐上蘿蔔絲,黃瓜絲,火腿絲及蛋絲,一碗振人食慾又有飽足感的涼麵輕鬆完成!


  • 台式涼麵


  • Favaro ‘Le Chiusure’ Erbaluce di Caluso DOCG, Piemonte Italy 🇮🇹 2017

這瓶由 Favoro 酒莊所生產的艾爾巴魯契散著甜檸檬、柑橘,成熟的杏桃香,並夾帶著濃濃的白石礦物及丁點的白蠟味。伴著令人口水直流的酸度,後韻層層遞進,好生美妙!芝麻醬與葡萄酒的風韻交融後是你儂我儂,怎麼樣也劃不開。說了這麼多,怎能不試試?

義大利原生葡萄品種艾爾巴魯契只有在皮耶蒙鐵的卡魯梭才能找到它的蹤跡,是相當稀有的白葡萄品種。其爽脆的酸度(媲美Chenin Blanc)付與她多變的面貌。由艾爾巴魯契釀出來的白酒、氣泡酒及甜點酒的展現都非常的出眾。近年來,甘型艾爾巴魯契獲得許多葡萄酒人士的喜愛,有越來越多的酒莊開始投入釀造甘型的艾爾巴魯契。甘型的艾爾巴魯契甚至還被視為是義大利皮耶蒙鐵所生產的白酒中最有趣的葡萄酒之一呢!假如您還沒有喝過這種白葡萄酒的話,強力推薦!


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