Wine Pairing with Hakka Salted Pork【客家鹹豬肉遇見葡萄酒 】
Join me with the this fun journey of learning how to make Hakka Salted Pork and how to pair wine with it by watching this video.

Could Wine Pair with Fried Stinky Tofu?【葡萄酒搭炸臭豆腐,到底行不行?】
In this video, Joyce shares her ideas of pairing wine with a well-known Taiwanese snacks, Fried Stinky Tofu. Don’t walk away. Come check out this fun food and wine pairing. Get inspired.
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在我的 IG 裡精選了各式各樣的餐酒搭配,有葡萄酒餐搭,清酒、威士忌及雞尾酒餐搭任你挑選。
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