你能想像台菜料理「破布子蒸魚」也能與葡萄酒做餐搭嗎?Wine Pairing with Steamed Fish with Cordia Dichotoma
In this video, Joyce collaborates with her artist friend, Manti, to show us how to cook this unique Taiwanese dish: Steamed Fish with Corida Dichotoma and shares her ideas on how to pair wine with the dish.

最令人意想不到的台菜餐酒搭配:蒼蠅頭與葡萄酒的相見歡 Wine Pairing for the Taiwanese Delicacy: Flies' Heads
In this video, Joyce invites Dani Chou, the founder of Petals by Dani to show us how to cook this classic Taiwanese dish: Flies’ Heads and shares the tips on how to pick wines that go with the dish.

Pairing Wine with Hamburg Steak 2 Ways【漢堡排親子餐與葡萄酒的美妙搭配】
In this video, Joyce invites her very good friends, Vicky and Shukun, and their beautiful kids to show us how to cook this combo meal: “Hamburg Steak Two Ways”. It’s a meal that they join enjoy very much and it only takes 30 minutes to make.
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在我的 IG 裡精選了各式各樣的餐酒搭配,有葡萄酒餐搭,清酒、威士忌及雞尾酒餐搭任你挑選。
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