你能想像台菜料理「破布子蒸魚」也能與葡萄酒做餐搭嗎?Wine Pairing with Steamed Fish with Cordia Dichotoma
「破布子蒸魚」這麽的台的台灣料理也能搭配葡萄酒?快點進來看看 JOYCE都配了哪些酒!
Ladies and gentleman, have you ever had Steamed Fish with Cordia Dichotoma? It’s a classic Taiwanese dish that is made with a super unique ingredient, Cordia Dichotoma.
In this episode, my dear friend, Manti will show us how to cook Steamed Fish with Cordia Dichotoma. It’s super easy to prepare and incredibly delicious.
Can this traditional Taiwanese dish go with wine? Of course! To find out what wines can pair with the dish and the logic behind the pairing, be sure to see the full video.
Special thanks to Manti, Enotria Wine Imports, Tiziana Forni, MelRose Buckler, and Teuwen Communications. Without your help and support, the video won’t be able to complete. 🙏❤️🙏
Please find the full recipe and wine recommendation below.
千呼萬喚始出來…… 酒意思 SIP WITH JOYCE 的餐酒搭配影片終於出爐啦!
用它來炒水蓮、龍鬚菜,或與豆腐一同料理,或跟蛋一起快炒,都無比美味。你們猜到是什麼料理了嗎?登愣…. 這道菜就是「破布子蒸魚」!
這樣的台式料理也能搭配葡萄酒?是不是壓根兒都沒想過?不打緊,酒意思 SIP WITH JOYCE 都幫你配好囉!想知道破布子蒸魚可以搭配什麼樣的葡萄酒,那就趕快點進我的YouTube 頻道看個仔細喔!
非常感謝 蔓緹, Enotria Wine Imports, Tiziana Forni, MelRose Buckler, and Teuwen Communications 的參與,沒有你們的大力支持與協助,就沒有辦法完成這個影片。謝謝你們!❤️❤️❤️
Full Recipe Provided by Manti Huang/ 食譜由蔓緹提供
Ingredient/ 材料:
1 fish (Dorade, Striped Bass or Tilapia) |魚ㄧ條(可挑自己喜歡的魚)
1 scallion, julienned |蔥一根,切絲
5 sliced ginger, julienned|薑五片,切絲
Thai chili pepper, 1 medium size, julienned (get rid of seeds for mild spiciness)|泰國小辣椒1根,切絲(可根據個人嗜辣程度作調整)
3 tbsp Canned Cordia Dichotoma, with its own juice|破布子 3 大匙
Rice Wine|米酒 2 大匙
1 tbsp oyster sauce|蠔油 1 大匙
2 tbsp vegetable oil|沙拉油 2 大匙
1 tbsp Sesame Oil |香油 1 大匙
Step 1:
First, rinse the fish with running water. Dry the fish with paper towels. Score the flesh of the fish on both sides. Place the fish on a plate with sliced gingers, then top with julienned ginger.
Step 2:
Let’s make the sauce. Mix in Cordia Dichotoma, rice wine and oyster sauce. Pour the sauce evenly over the fish, especially on the parts that were scored so the flavor can be absorbed by the fish.
Step 3:
After the water is boiled, place the fish in the steamer. Cover and cook for 8 minutes. Let’s heat the oil with low heat right before the fish is ready.
水滾了以後 把魚放入蒸籠內,蓋上蓋子,等待8分鐘 就好囉!趁魚快要蒸好時,把調和好的油用小火加熱。
Step 4:
Take the plate out when fish is fully cooked. Place julienned onion, ginger, and chili on top of the fish. Pour the hot sesame oil over the fish. Enjoy!
Wine List/ 酒單推薦
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Follow my Instagram account: @joyce_foodnwine for more food and wine pairing ideas!