New York on Pause: 3 Meals a Day <Part III>【紐約居家防疫之一日三餐:第三篇】

New York State on Pause: 3 Meals a Day <Part III>

Braised Minced Pork over Vegetable Fried Rice with Fried Egg/ 荷包蛋肉燥蔬菜炒飯

Braised Minced Pork over Vegetable Fried Rice with Fried Egg/ 荷包蛋肉燥蔬菜炒飯


  • Braised Minced Pork over Vegetable Fried Rice with Fried Egg

Afternoon Tea:

  • Homemade Chocolate Flourless Walnut Cookie

  • Iced Coffee with Whipped Cream and Cinnamon


  • Karaage (Japanese Fried Chicken)

  • Daikon Salad

Beverage of my Choice:

  • Kamotsuru Tokusei Gold Daiginjo, Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan 🇯🇵 

I have been craving fried chicken lately so I asked Chef if we can have it for dinner. He froze for about 10 seconds and then said, “ Okay, how about making karaage (the Japanese fried chicken) and daikon salad for dinner?” Hooray! We have transformed our dinner table to an izakaya tonight.

Kamotsuru Shuzo was founded in 1918. The “Tokusei Gold” is their signature with gold cherry petals in it. A fun fact is that when the former U.S. President Barack Obama met with Shinzo Abe, the Prime Minister of Japan, in April 2014, they enjoyed Kamotsuru sake at a meal together. 

This “Tokusei Gold” is round, silky and delicate. Even with a profound aftertaste it is still refreshing. The gold cherry petals are a nice touch to make this sake even more distinctness. 

【紐約居家防疫之一日三餐】 <第三篇>

Homemade Chocolate Flourless Walnut Cookie served with Iced Coffee with Whipped Cream and Cinnamon/ 手工無麵粉巧克力核桃餅乾搭配奶蓋冰咖啡

Homemade Chocolate Flourless Walnut Cookie served with Iced Coffee with Whipped Cream and Cinnamon/ 手工無麵粉巧克力核桃餅乾搭配奶蓋冰咖啡


  • 荷包蛋肉燥蔬菜炒飯



  • 手工無麵粉巧克力核桃餅乾

  • 奶蓋冰咖啡



  • 日式唐揚炸雞

  • 柴魚白蘿蔔沙拉


  • 賀茂鶴純金箔入大吟釀 🇯🇵 

居家防疫期間想吃炸雞,是難事也不是難事。跟大廚叨唸了一番,他當機了10 秒後說,那不然來弄日式唐揚炸雞好了。耶!成功地𢳆到炸雞吃了!


不能上餐館的日子,也唯有轉化心境,才能舒心。不能去居酒屋吃飯飲酒,那就把家裡的餐桌變成居酒屋吧!かんぱい !


Pairing Possibility of Cava【媲美香檳的西班牙氣泡酒卡瓦 該怎麼做餐酒搭配?!】


If You Think Pinot Noir Can Only Go With Western Cuisine, Think Again 【當豆瓣魚與豬肉排三明治遇見黑皮諾】