Winter Duet of Stewed Beef Brisket with Tomatoes and Red Wine【蕃茄燉牛腩與法國胡西雍葡萄酒的冬季戀歌】
Stewed Beef Brisket with Tomatoes with Domaine Gardiés Clos des Vignes Côtes du Roussillon Village Tautavel/蕃茄燉牛腩與產自法國胡西雍的紅葡萄酒
Stewed Beef Brisket with Tomatoes
Wine of my choice:
Domaine Gardiés Clos des Vignes Côtes du Roussillon Village Tautavel France 🇫🇷 2014
“Strewed Beef Brisket with Radish, a classic Cantonese dish, can be found in the restaurant and street vendors all over Guangdong. This dish reminds me of my childhood. I enjoyed getting some Strewed Beef Brisket with Radish on my way home after school.” - Cathy Hoo
This was a conversation I had with Cathy when we chatted about where she grew up and the dishes she enjoys having whenever she is back in her hometown, Guangzhou. I have had Stewed Beef Brisket with Radish before, but I didn’t know it’s a classic Cantonese dish till Cathy mentioned it. I was intrigued and did some research on the history of the region and cuisine. I found out that due to the geography and geology of Guangdong, the province is known for its access to abundant natural resources. Hence, Guangdong is known for its produces and seafood. The essence of Cantonese cuisine would focus on showcasing the natural flavors of the ingredients. Chilies and heavy-handed seasoning are uncommon. Weather and seasons also factor into the cooking methods. Stewed Beef Brisket with Radish is the perfect example of this practice.
Cathy is from Guangzhou, locate in Guangdong province of China. Every time we chat about the cuisine of Guangdong, I can always sense Cathy’s enthusiasm. Therefore, I boldly asked Cathy if she would be interested in doing the food and wine pairing video with me and featuring one Cantonese dish moves her in the video. Cathy immediately said yes with no hesitation. I’m thrilled to have Cathy join me on this project.
In the video, Cathy will show us how to cook Stewed Beef Brisket with Tomatoes, a variation of the classic Cantonese dish, Stewed Beef Brisket with Radish, that Cathy enjoys having during the cold weather. Where to watch the video? Just click the link here 酒意思SIP WITH JOYCE Enjoy!
A selection of red wines to pair with Stewed Beef Brisket with Tomatoes/ 一系列可搭配蕃茄燉牛腩的紅葡萄酒
So, here comes the question: what wine can pair with Stewed Beef Brisket with Tomatoes? First of all, let’s take a look at the dominant flavors of the dish: beef brisket, tomatoes, soy sauce, and assorted spices. The beef brisket is cooked and soaked up all the flavors of soy sauce, garlic and spices. The sweetness and sourness from the tomatoes add layers and depth to the dish.
In order to counterbalance the heartiness of the dish, I would recommend red wines over whites for this particular pairing. Medium to full-bodied red, with aromas of red and black fruits, baking spices and bright acidity are ideal. Such as Cabernet Franc and Sangiovese are wonderful choices. Red wines with some tannins and structure can definitely go with this dish, as well, like Syrah and Grenache based wines. The savoriness, earthiness, and the spice notes in these wines work very well with the Stewed Beef Brisket with Tomatoes. I selected one bottle of wine from Roussillon, located in the southern part of France, as my wine of choice to pair with Cathy’s Stewed Beef Brisket with Tomatoes. I will reveal my reason later on. Let’s talk about the wine region, Roussillon, first.
Roussillon Wine Map. Photo Credit: Wines of Roussillon/ 胡西雍法定產區地圖。圖片來源:Wines of Roussillon
Domaine Gardiés Clos des Vignes Côtes du Roussillon Village Tautavel France 🇫🇷 2014 / Photo Credit: Cathy Hoo
Wine Region: Roussillon
Roussillon, bordering Catalonian Spain in the south, is the hottest and driest wine region with diverse soils and mountainous terroirs in France. With more than 320 days of sunshine, Roussillon has a similar sunny Mediterranean climate as Provence. It is also the most committed region for organic and biodynamic viticulture in the country. With 14 AOPs & 2 IGPs, Roussillon is home to over 2,500 producers, 29 co-ops and 345 private winemakers. The best vineyards are in the northern part of Roussillon and qualified for Côte du Roussillon Villages. (My wine of choice is actually from one of the five Côte du Roussillon Villages: Tautavel.) Red wine accounts for 58% of the wine production in Roussillon. 28% consists of Rosé wine and the rest is white wine. Another fun fact worth paying attention to is that, 80% of the vins doux naturel (fortified sweet wine) production in France is produced in Roussillon and is highly regarded.
Among 24 authorized grape varieties in Roussillon, Grenache Noir is the most widely planted grape, followed by Syrah and then Carignan. A large number of Grenache blanc, Muscat à Petits Grains and Muscat d’Alexandrie vines are also planted throughout the region, mainly contributed to the production of vins doux naturels but also used for dry IGP wines nowadays.
The Producer: Domaine Gardiés
Domaine Gardiés, based in Côtes du Roussillon, is considered one of the top producers in Roussillon, France. Jean Gardiés took over the 7-generation family domaine in the early nineties and continued to produce wines with great finesse and truly express the terroir. Domaine Gardiés covers 35 hectares nowadays. The vineyards are located in the village of Vingrau and Tautavel. Organic practice is implemented to the vineyard since 2004.
The wine I choose to pair with Stewed Beef Brisket with Tomatoes is Domaine Gardiés Clos des Vignes Côtes du Roussillon Village Tautavel. This is a red blend mainly made from Grenache Noir and Carignan with 20% Syrah and 10% Mourvèdre. The grapes are hand harvested. After the alcohol fermentation, the wine is aged in barrel for 12 months before releasing to the market. The wine displays deep red color with a hint of blue hue and magenta watery rim. This 6-year-old wine has showed some tertiary notes, such as leather and forest floor. Opulent fruit notes of black cherry, blackberry, and cassis slowly reveal themselves as aromas of violet, nutmeg, clove, thyme, licorice, freshly ground black pepper and dark chocolate join the party later on. The wine is powerful and full of energy. It’s a full-bodied red wine with firm structure and integrated tannins. I especially enjoy the uplifted acidity as it brings some freshness to the wine.
Pairing this wine with Stewed Beef Brisket with Tomatoes made by Cathy is just perfect. The body of the wine, sumptuous fruit notes with assorted aromas of sweet baking spices, these components work wonderfully with the flavors of the beef brisket. The acidity of the wine matches the sourness of the tomatoes. When the hearty and comforting Stewed Beef Brisket with Tomatoes meets this charming Roussillon wine, they showcase and amplify the best of each other. Give Grenache based wine a try when you cook Stewed Beef Brisket with Tomatoes.
Once again, I’d like to thank Cathy for joining me and making Stewed Beef Brisket with Tomatoes for this project. If you like to know more about Cathy, she has an Instagram account focused on fashion and lifestyle. Please visit her account @cathyhoo and say hi to her.
Follow my Instagram account: @joyce_foodnwine
for more food and wine pairing ideas!
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Thank you! XOXO
Domaine Gardiés Clos des Vignes Tautavel Cote du Roussillon France 🇫🇷 2014
相信大家或多或少都吃過「蘿蔔燉牛腩」這道菜,但,有多少人知道這是一道經典的廣東菜呢? 這是我和我的好朋友Cathy聊天時,才得知的。這道菜不僅是廣東的經典名菜,還是ㄧ道幾乎每個廣東家庭都會做的一道菜家常菜,Cathy 說:「小時候放學後,都會在街邊小販買上一些,在回家的路上吃上一點充充飢。在中式餐廳裡,一定可以在菜單上看到這道菜。」對「蘿蔔燉牛腩」這道菜好奇之餘,自己也花了一點時間搜尋了一下廣東菜的特色。廣東由於地理及地形的關係,有山地、丘陵及平原,沿岸連接南海,地饒物豐,有很豐富的農產及海鮮,因此,廣東菜的特色主要以呈現食材原本的鲜味為主,鮮少使用辣椒等辛辣的調味料來作調味,不求大鹹或大甜,並且會依著季節時令的變化而改變烹調的手法。而蘿蔔燉牛腩便是以這樣的概念來烹煮的。
Cathy是廣東廣州人,和 Cathy 聊廣東菜的話題是特別來勁,順勢,便大膽的邀約她來參與我的餐酒搭配短視頻的拍攝。沒想到,她竟毫不考慮地一口答應,真的太給我面子了。在短視頻中, Cathy為我們製作的是「蕃茄燉牛腩」這道菜,這道菜可以算是「蘿蔔燉牛腩」的變化版,也是她對「蘿蔔燉牛腩」的另一種詮釋。對餐酒搭配短視頻有興趣的朋友不妨到 酒意思SIP WITH JOYCE 的YouTube 頻道上觀看。
那麼,重頭戲來啦!蕃茄燉牛腩到底要配什麼葡萄酒才搭呢?首先,我們來看一下這道菜的主要風味有哪些?牛腩、番茄及醬油。烹煮過後的牛腩,吸收了醬油及其他香料的鹹香; 蕃茄則釋放出酸味與甜味,而這些風味為這道菜增加了許多層次及鮮味。要挑選能與蕃茄燉牛腩的風味匹配的葡萄酒,我推薦搭配紅酒會比白酒要來得合適。比如,帶有豐郁的紅色及黑色水果果香、些微辛香料的風味,搭上爽脆的酸度,中等以上的酒體的紅酒都很適合。例如,希哈,或是以格納許為主的調和酒。另外富有結構、帶有一些單寧的紅葡萄酒也是很棒的選擇,像是卡本內弗朗及桑嬌維賽。這些葡萄酒裡所擁有的鹹香酯味,土質氣味及香料的芬芳氣息,與蕃茄燉牛腩搭配起來是相當般配的。在這幾個選擇中,我挑了一瓶來自法國南部胡西雍產區所產的紅葡萄酒,這瓶葡萄酒與Cathy做的蕃茄燉牛腩搭配起來最為合拍。等等再為大家說明挑選這瓶葡萄酒的原因。現在先帶大家來認識一下胡西雍這個產區。
胡西雍位於法國南部與西班牙庇禮牛斯山的交界處,是法國平均氣溫最高、最乾燥且有著多樣性的土壤及山地、丘陵地的葡萄酒產區。胡西雍產區有著類似於普羅旺斯的地中海型氣候,平均每年有超過320天是豔陽高照的。也因為如此,胡西雍產區裡的有機耕種及自然動力農法的葡萄園佔地面積是法國所有的葡萄酒產區裡最多的。胡西雍產區總共劃分為14個法定產區及2 個區域性產區。胡西雍裡最好的葡萄園是座落在北邊的胡西雍山丘,由5個村莊組合而成。胡西雍產區主要以生產紅酒為主,佔了總產量的58%, 28%是粉紅酒,其餘的才是白酒。另一個有趣且值得注意的點是,胡西雍產區所生產的加烈甜酒的總產量可是佔了全法國加烈甜酒產量的80%,而且其質量也是數一數二的。
酒莊:Domaine Gardiés
座落於胡西雍丘,Domaine Gardiés 是被公認為南法胡西雍產區數一數二的酒莊之一。Jean Gardiés 在90年代時接下了七代相傳的莊園,直到今日仍秉持初衷,竭力釀造既能展現胡西雍產區風土,飲來卻又典雅的葡萄酒。Domaine Gardiés 的葡萄園位於Vingrau and Tautavel的村莊裡,佔地面積總共35公頃。自2004年以來便以有機耕種的方式栽種葡萄。
我選擇搭配蕃茄燉牛腩的紅葡萄酒是來自於胡西雍山丘 Tautavl 村莊的 Domaine Gardiés Clos des Vignes Cote du Roussillon Tautavel。主要是以黑格納希及卡利濃葡萄為主,加上20% 希哈與10% 慕維得爾釀製而成。葡萄全程以手工摘採,酒精發酵完成後,酒便在靜置於橡木桶中,熟成12個月後,才裝瓶上市。這瓶以黑格納希及卡利濃為主的混釀紅葡萄酒,色澤深邃,酒杯中心呈現不透明狀而酒杯邊緣則蘊染著微微的霓虹紫。這瓶2014年釀製的紅酒,已悄悄地展露了老酒才會有獨特風味,比如皮革與森林植披的氣息。杯中,依然能感受到豐沛的黑色水果果香,紫羅蘭、肉豆蔻、丁香、百里香、甘草、現磨的黑胡椒及黑巧克力的香氣。淺嚐ㄧ口,葡萄酒滿滿的能量與活力在口中起舞; 酒體飽滿而渾厚,單寧緊實而富有結構,集中、爽脆的酸度讓這瓶酒飲來毫不滯膩,反而帶來一股清流,令人想一嚐再嚐。
Cathy is cutting the tomatoes/ Cathy 正在切蕃茄
非常榮幸也感謝 Cathy 的熱情參與,為這個單元製作蕃茄燉牛腩這道菜。如果你想要多瞭解 Cathy,歡迎到她的IG @cathyhoo 瞧一瞧她對時尚與生活風格的解讀。
歡迎追蹤我的IG @joyce_foodnwine