Celebrating Lunar New Year: Shunyi Cellars Pinot Noir with Sweet and Sour Pork Ribs【新年餐酒搭配特輯:天作之合之糖醋排骨與舜裔酒莊“重逢”黑皮諾】
This bright, juicy Pinot Noir serve as a perfect agent to balance out the rich, decadent of the pork ribs.
Winter Duet of Stewed Beef Brisket with Tomatoes and Red Wine【蕃茄燉牛腩與法國胡西雍葡萄酒的冬季戀歌】
What wine can pair with Stewed Beef Brisket with Tomatoes? Try red wines from Roussillon region in South France
Can Dolcetto d’Alba Pair with Chinese Pork Chop Burger 【當多切托阿爾巴遇上一輪明月豬排堡】
Dolcetto, means “little sweet one” in Italian, referring the grape is quite sweet at harvest.
Pairing Wine with the main Ingredient of the Dish? Think Again 【葡萄酒搭餐是搭主食材還是搭醬汁】
Pairing this Valpolicella Ripasso Classico with the duck breast is a clever and right choice.
It’s All About Balance 【餐酒搭配之平衡】
This wine is made by 70% Montepulciano and 30% Sangiovese with deep ruby color. Intense black cherry, blackberry, black plum, cassis and raisins jumps out from the glass
Lacrima Two Ways【一酒兩餐搭:Lacrima di Morro 的餐酒搭配】
Lacrima means tear in Italian. It refers to the tear shape of berries. Furthermore, due to its delicate skin, the berry exudes small drop of juice on the grape and vine when it is fully ripe. That’s how Lacrima gets its name.
New York Reopening: 3 Meals a Day < Part I > 【紐約後疫情時代之一日三餐 :第ㄧ篇 】
New York and New York City are now in the fourth and final stage of the reopening plan.
What to Pair with Taiwanese Beef Noodle Soup? 【紅燒牛肉麵的餐酒搭配】
Today, we are pairing the soy sauce spicy version with a red wine from Rioja region of Spain.
New York on Pause: 3 Meals a Day <Part IV>【紐約居家防疫之一日三餐:第四篇】
Do you know Bordeaux is the birthplace of Malbec and it was widely planted in Bordeaux before the devastating frost in 1956?
If You Think Pinot Noir Can Only Go With Western Cuisine, Think Again 【當豆瓣魚與豬肉排三明治遇見黑皮諾】
Can Alsatian Pinot Noir Maison Kuentz-Bas take on Dorade in Chilly Bean Sauce and Pork Sandwich?
New York on Pause : 3 Meals a Day <Part I>【紐約居家阻斷疫情之一日三餐:第一篇】
Since both of us starting to work from home, we decided to launch this “3 Meals a Day” project to track what we’ve been cooking during the pandemic.
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在我的 IG 裡精選了各式各樣的餐酒搭配,有葡萄酒餐搭,清酒、威士忌及雞尾酒餐搭任你挑選。
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