Lunar New Year Food and Wine Pairing: Sparkling Pinot Noir Rosé and Vegetable Medley 【年菜餐酒搭配推薦:什錦菜配黑皮諾粉紅氣泡酒】
Vegetable Medley(Shijin Cai)
Wine of my choice:
Meinklang Prosa Sparkling Pinot Noir Rosé Burgenland Austria 🇦🇹 2019
Vegetable Medley is a vegetarian dish originated in Nanjin, China. It is a specialty to the region. Almost every family would make this dish during the Lunar New Year celebration. The earliest mention of Vegetable Medley in the Chinese history was during Qhing dynasty. In the beginning, Vegetable Medley was composed of 10 different vegetarian ingredients, such as carrot, lily flower, soybean sprouts, dried mushroom, tofu skin, celery, and spinach, just to name a few. Each vegetarian ingredient implies different positive metaphorical meanings. Eating Vegetable Medley during Lunar New Year also symbolizes everything you wish for would work out perfectly in the coming year. The preparation of Vegetable Medley is time consuming. It takes lots of efforts to prepare and make this dish. That’s why this dish is generally reserved for the Lunar New Year.
I asked my husband, Bruce, to show us how to make Vegetable Medley since his grandmother would make the dish during Lunar New Year and it has become a family tradition. Bruce learned how to cook the dish from his grandma. He told me, making the dish brings back the childhood memories of the time he spent with his family.
We made a video to show you how to cook the Vegetable Medley and the wine pairing possibilities with Vegetable Medley. Please click the link below to watch the video. Enjoy!
酒意思SIP WITH JOYCE: Pairing Sparkling Pinot Noir Rosé with Vegetable Medley
Can Wine Pair with Vegetable Medley?
So, what kind of wine can pair with Vegetable Medley and bring out the best of each other? Let’s analyze the major flavors of the dish. First of all, the sweetness, savoriness, the multiple textures and layers from the 10 different vegetarian ingredients are the highlights of the dish. For example, the earthiness and umami from the mushrooms, lily flowers, and wood ears; the vegetal notes from the spinach, pea sprouts, and soybean sprouts; the aroma and sweetness from the tofu skins and fried tofu puffs; the sweetness and freshness from the carrots and celery. In additions, the toasty and nutty aroma of the sesame oil combines the flavors of the 10 different vegetarian ingredients and unites them as one.
Therefore, medium to full-bodied whites with ripe fruit notes, round mouthfeel, and lifted acidity are ideal. Like Greco di Tufo or barrel aged Chardonnay with ripe fruit notes are great choices. Riesling or Chenin Blanc with a touch of sweetness would go very well with Vegetable Medley, too. Why? Because the residual sugar in these wines would match wonderful with the sweetness of the vegetables. If you wanted to try something different, slightly sweet sparkling rosé made from Pinot Noir would be a surprising win for this pairing.
I have chosen an Austrian sparkling Pinot Noir rosé to pair with Vegetable Medley. I’m so happy with the result and can’t wait to share with you. I will give a more detailed explanation in the following chapter. Let’s dive into where this Austrian wine comes from first and get to know about this producer.
The Region: Burgenland
Burgenland, situated on the easter border of Austria, is one of the four federal distinct wine regions in Austria. The region covers a narrow strip of land that stretches from the Danube River down to Steiermark in the south. To the east, it borders with Hungary, and extends to the most eastern foothills of the Alps in the west. Located on the famous Pannonian Plain, the topography of Burgenland is more aligned with Hungary than with much of the rest of Austria.
Burgenland is known for its opulent red wines, complex dry whites, and exceptional sweet white wines. Blaufränkisch and Zweigelt are the dominant red wine grape varieties. Pinot Blanc, Welschriesling, Grüner Veltliner and Chardonnay are the principal white grapes varieties of the region. Neusiedlersee, a sub-region in the north of Burgenland, is the key production area for fine nobly sweet wines. The vineyards around Lake Neusiedl enjoy ideal climate conditions for botrytis to grow. Ruster Ausbruch, the world famous sweet wine in Neusiedlersee within Burgenland has shared the same fame alongside its neighboring Hungarian Tokaji and French Sauternes.
Austria has its own classification just like other old-world producers. Districtus Austriae Controllatus (DAC) is the system used to define the protected Austrian declaration of origin. The DAC is a designation for regionally typical Austrian quality wines. There are currently 13 DAC designated regions in Austria. Burgenland is now home to 6 DAC appellations, from north to south: Neusiedlersee DAC, Leithaberg DAC, Rosalia DAC, Ruster Ausbruch DAC, Mittelburgenland DAC, and Eisenberg DAC.
The Producer: Meinklang
Situated in the middle of National Park Neusiedlersee on the eastern side of the Lake Neusiedl, and right on the Hungarian border, Meinklang is a family-run, self-sustainable farm, composed of winemaking, fruits, and agriculture.
The Michlits family has lived here for three generation. Demeter-certified agricultural operation is fully embodied into almost 2000-hectare estate. The Michlits family strongly believe a well-balanced, individual entity comes from the surrounding environment with its individual fauna and flora.
“Trust in nature” is their guideline in terms of winemaking. Fermentation only occurred with indigenous yeast. No fining or filtration are applied, and only small amounts of sulfur are used when necessary.
Meinklang started to gain international recognition in the past few years due to the natural wine trend. But from my humble opinions, what makes them stands out from the crowds is how they show respect to the fauna and flora, and the land they live on.
What does this wine taste like?
This Prosa sparkling Pinot Noir Rosé is made from 100% hand harvested Pinot Noir. The wine goes through a gentle press, spontaneous fermentation in stainless steel tanks with indigenous yeast and is finished in pressure tanks. This sparkling Pinot Noir Rosé has gorgeous dark pink with copper hue. Aromas of strawberry, raspberry jam, and candied red cherry jump out from the glass. Finished off with notes of honey and Ogontoh. It’s surprisingly delightful on the palate. The slightly sweetness on the palate with bright acidity is accompanied by red berries with a hint of savory herbal notes. The bubbles are delicate and cheerful. I feel like I fell in love again while sipping this sparkling Pinot Noir Rosé.
The Reasons Prosa sparkling Pinot Noir Rosé Goes with Vegetable Medley
Pairing Meinklang Prosa sparkling Pinot Noir Rosé with the Vegetable Medley, the outcome is impeccable. The sparkling rosé not only compliments the flavors of the Vegetable Medley but speaks for itself too. Sometimes, I think of finding the perfect pairing is to find the perfect outfit. Take this pairing for example, Meinklang Prosa is the tailored outfit made just for Vegetable Medley. The silhouette of Meinklang Prosa fits perfectly for Vegetable Medley. I’m thrilled to find out how wonderful this pairing is. This sets an idea example of how a successful food and wine pairing should be. I highly recommend to give it a try.
Thanks Bruce for joining me for this special project. I’m so happy that he shares this family recipe with all of you and giving me a chance to do this pairing. I had lots of fun and definitely learn a lot from this pairing. Thank you, Bruce.
Find the recipe for Vegetable Medley here.
Where to find Meinklang Prosa Sparkling Pinot Noir Rosé :
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Thank you! XOXO
Meinklang Prosa Sparkling Pinot Noir Rosé Burgenland Austria 🇦🇹 2019
烹調什錦菜的過程也相當講究,一般來說,豆芽會最先炒。豆芽狀似如意,取其萬事如意之意; 紅蘿蔔絲則放在最後炒,寓意新的一年「滿堂紅,紅到底」。在過年時吃由十種不同的蔬菜組成的什錦菜,意在祈願在新的一年裡萬事都能十全十美。
這次什錦菜的製作是由我先生 Bruce 操刀。這道菜對他來說別具意義。是他對外婆及童年的美好回憶。他是在外婆家長大的孩子,從小就吃著外婆煮的菜。他說:「過年時,什錦菜總會出現在外婆家的餐桌上。這是一道他們家必備的年菜。」我很開心Bruce 願意跟我們分享這道菜,也將對外婆的懷念注入到這道菜裡。
這道什錦菜的烹調過程我們製作成了短視頻呈現給大家。在短視頻中也跟大家推薦了幾款能與什錦菜搭配的葡萄酒,有興趣的朋友請到酒意思SIP WITH JOYCE 的YouTube 頻道上觀看。
接下來,來讓我們談談餐酒搭配吧!什錦菜與什麼樣的葡萄酒搭配才會迸出完美的火花呢?我們來分析一下什錦菜裡的主要風味有哪些?首先,十種不同的食材所帶出來的鮮味、甜味、酯味,多重口感與層次,是這道菜的主要特色。例如,香菇、金針花與木耳所擁有的土質氣息及酯味; 菠菜、豆苗及黃豆芽的蔬菜生青味; 豆腐皮及炸豆腐的豆香及甜味; 最後,紅蘿蔔及芹菜所帶來的甜鮮味則為這道菜增添許多層次及爽脆的口感。另外,麻油所帶來的芝麻香,將所有蔬菜的風味完美的結合在一起,具有畫龍點睛的效果。
因此,中等以上的酒體,口感圓潤,酸度集中,帶有豐沛及成熟果香的白酒會比搭配紅酒要來得合適。像是Greco di Tufo 及果味明顯、有過過桶的夏多內會很搭。再來,帶有些微甜度的麗斯玲與白梢楠也是上上之選。酒裡的殘糖與蔬菜裡的甜鮮和合至極,完美無敵。如果真要來一點不一樣的,那麼,帶點甜度的黑皮諾粉紅氣泡酒會是最出奇制勝的選擇。
位於奧地利東邊的邊境,布爾根蘭州是奧地利四個聯邦級葡萄酒產區的其中一個。這個狹長的產區從多瑙河一路南下延伸至奧地利南部的施泰爾馬克區; 東邊緊鄰臨匈牙利,向西邊延展,葡萄園則交錯座落於阿爾卑斯山脈東面的山腳下。以布爾根蘭州處於潘諾尼亞平原來分析,其地勢相較於奧地利而言,其實是與匈牙利較類似的。
與奧地利其他葡萄酒產區相比,布爾根蘭州是以產味道豐郁的紅酒,層次豐富的干白酒及優良精美的甜白酒而著稱。紅葡萄酒釀酒葡萄以 Blaufränkisch 及茲威格的種植面積最大。白葡萄釀酒品種則以白皮諾、威爾士麗斯玲、綠維特利納及夏多內居多。布爾根蘭州的子產區新席德勒湖則以產貴腐酒而聞名。緊鄰新席德勒湖湖邊的葡萄園擁有得天獨厚的氣候條件,使得貴腐菌得以順利地附著在葡萄上生長,尤其是在 Ruster Ausbruch 地區所產的貴腐酒,與匈牙利托凱區的貴腐酒及法國索坦貴腐酒堪稱世界三大知名的貴腐酒產區呢。
與其他舊世界葡萄酒產酒國一樣,奧地利也有自己的一套葡萄酒分級制度。Districtus Austriae Controllatus (DAC) 是一套用來界定保護奧地利葡萄酒原產地聲明的法規。目前奧地利總共有13個 DAC。而布爾根蘭州就佔了 6 個。從北至南排列下來是:Neusiedlersee DAC, Leithaberg DAC, Rosalia DAC, Ruster Ausbruch DAC, Mittelburgenland DAC, 及 Eisenberg DAC.
位處於Neusiedl 湖的東邊的Neusiedlersee 國家公園裡,Meinklang 是ㄧ個家族經營且自給自足的農場。農場裡除了有葡萄園、果園,還養了許多動物,像是安格斯牛、馬、羊、豬、還有幾隻雞。農場裡的動物對 Meinklang 酒莊而言是很重要的寶藏。
Michlits 家族已在這裡深耕三代了。在佔地將近 2000 公頃的土地上奉行自然動力濃法,也早早就取得國際Demeter的有機認證。他們深信,施行自然動力農法能為在這片土地上生長的動植物及人類帶來最自然、平衡的生態環境及生態鍊,還能促進地球自然活力的恢復與永續發展的可能性。
近年來在自然酒風潮的推波助瀾下,Meinklang 酒莊逐漸在國際市場上嶄露頭角,但他們對土地、動植物、及整個自然環境有意識地對待方式,是我認為他們得以永續經營並贏得同業及消費者認同之處。
Prosa 黑皮諾粉紅氣泡酒的口感與風味
這瓶 Prosa 黑皮諾粉紅氣泡酒是採用100% 黑皮諾釀製而成。這瓶黑皮諾粉紅氣泡酒閃耀著雅緻帶點橘的璀璨粉紅色澤。光是用眼睛欣賞,就令人欣喜萬分。湊近一聞,草莓、覆盆子果醬及裹著糖衣的紅櫻桃在杯中跳躍; 蜂蜜及甜甜的黃金糖順著鼻息隱隱若現。淺嚐一口,哇!這風味著實令人驚艷。微酸微甜,整個口腔被甜美的莓果們佔滿,還帶點細微的百里香及月桂葉的芬芳。綿密的氣泡在舌尖悠悠地跳動著,歡快極了!這瓶Prosa黑皮諾粉紅氣泡酒好像把談戀愛時的甜蜜滋味都裝進瓶子裡了。喝著喝著,我好像也戀愛了。
感謝 Bruce 願意出鏡,為我們製作這道他們家家傳的什錦菜,也利用這個機會為大家提供了年菜的餐酒搭配推薦。農曆一月份也將進入尾聲,大家也都陸續地回到工作崗位上,為生活打拼。期許大家在牛年裡都能朝自己的目標邁進。Cheers!
好喝的Meinklang Prosa Sparkling Pinot Noir Rosé 哪裡買:
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