New York on Pause : 3 Meals a Day <Part I>【紐約居家阻斷疫情之一日三餐:第一篇】
New York State Governor signed the “New York State on Pause” executive order and it starts to effected on Sunday, March 22 to slow the spread of the Corona Virus. Only essential business can be operated, the rest of the businesses have to either work remotely or stop. Lots of businesses are affected dramatically, especially the restaurant and hospitality groups. Countless employees are forced to stop working and have lost their source of income. It is really an unfortunate situation for everyone.
Since both of us starting to work from home, we decided to launch this “3 Meals a Day” project to track what we’ve been cooking during the pandemic. Hopefully this project would provide some joy and enlighten your daily life.
Tomato, Canned Tuna, Radish Sandwich
Lemonade with Honey
韓式冷拌麵 비빔국수
Noodles with Purple Carrots, Celery, Ham, Bok Choy, Fried Egg and Sesame Sauce
Spicy Dry Pot
Wine of my Choice:
Huarpe Malbec/ Cabernet Sauvignon, Mendoza Argentina 🇦🇷 2014
Spicy dry pot is a dish that Chef makes all the time. It’s quick and easy and the best part is you can serve it in the frying pan if you’d like. It’s spicy and flavorful. A must try if you are a fan of spicy food.
To pair with the spicy dry pot, I choose this fulled bodied yet balanced Malbec/ Cabernet blend wine where the vineyard is situated in 3200 feet above sea level in Agrelo, a small wine region 20 miles south of the city of Mendoza in Argentina. The wine has deep red color with purple hue, filled with ripe red and dark fruit notes along with the baking spices hidden in the back; the elevated acidity and well integrated tannin make it a perfect choice to go with the spicy dry pot. Don’t know what to pair with spicy Chinese food? Give Malbec a try next time.
因為疫情,待在家的時間變長了,一日三餐變成了生活日常中最值得關注的事。一方面是逼自己不要去看太多相關的新聞,一方面也希望透過這個 project 能為大家在這樣的非常時刻帶來些許慰藉。
韓式冷拌麵 비빔국수
Huarpe Malbec/ Cabernet Sauvignon, Mendoza Argentina 🇦🇷 2014
麻辣香鍋是我們家餐桌上最常出現的料理之一。 一來,大廚和我,都愛吃辣,二來,這道菜準備起來方便又快速。只要備好料,大火快炒一番,晚餐輕鬆上桌!
這瓶紅酒是是來自阿根廷門督薩產區,使用80% 的馬爾貝克(Malbec) 及20%卡本內蘇維翁(Cabernet Sauvignon) 調和而成。這瓶紅酒帶有濃郁的櫻桃果香及黑胡椒粒的辛香,紫羅蘭、肉豆蔻、丁香等香氣則在其後,緩緩開展出來。 由於葡萄園座落於海拔700公尺的山坡地上,其爽脆的酸度讓厚實的酒體喝起來宛如跳舞的大象般,看似笨重,實則靈活輕巧。配著麻辣香鍋一起飲用,香甜的果味既能緩合齒頰間的麻辣感,又能Hold得住麻辣香鍋裡所使用的辛香料。一口酒、一口菜的交替吃著,不知不覺間,菜吃完,酒瓶也見底了。