Pairing Wine with the main Ingredient of the Dish? Think Again 【葡萄酒搭餐是搭主食材還是搭醬汁】
Pairing this Valpolicella Ripasso Classico with the duck breast is a clever and right choice.
Pairing Possibility of Cava【媲美香檳的西班牙氣泡酒卡瓦 該怎麼做餐酒搭配?!】
This organic Avinyó vintage Cava is made of méthode traditionnelle (going through second fermentation in the bottle just like Champagne does).
New York on Pause: 3 Meals a Day <Part II> 【紐約居家防疫之一日三餐:第二篇】
On 3 Meals A Day Series, Joyce shares what they eat on a daily bases, from pairing Buchegger Grüner Veltliner with Tomato and Mushroom Scrambled Eggs and Cream Corn Soup to Surf and Turf Taco dinner with Tequila Sunrise.
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在我的 IG 裡精選了各式各樣的餐酒搭配,有葡萄酒餐搭,清酒、威士忌及雞尾酒餐搭任你挑選。
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