The Flexibility of Rioja Blanco【里歐哈白酒之一酒兩會】
The Flexibility of Rioja Blanco
Wine of My Choice:
Rioja Reserva Blanco, R. Lopez de Heredia, Viña Tondonia 2004 Spain 🇪🇸
Stir-Fried Razor Clam with Thai Basil
Sliced Beef with Egg
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Stir-Fried Scallop with Chinese XO Sauce
Oven Roasted Squid Stuffed with Chinese Chive
How can you not love Rioja Blanco, especially when it is made by Lopez de Heredia, one of the most venerable producer in Rioja, Spain? It was January, 2018, our first trip to Haro, the capital city of La Rioja. It was home to Lopez de Heredia Bodega as well. I can still remembered the day when I walked in the winery, especially in the fermentation room and the cellars, the damp, dark, century old rooms filled with vats and barrels, it was just way to romantic to for a wine lover like me to be immersed in an environment like this. I can’t never forget the smell, the cold, the darkness and their philosophy of they wanted to make wine just like their founder, Don Rafael López de Heredia y Landeta did hundred years ago.
The wine is mainly made with Viura with a touch of Malvasía. It has been aged for 6 years before releasing to the market. Beautiful gold color that catches your eyes first. There are salinity, savoriness, baking spices, hay, almond skin and dried fruit notes jumping out from the glass and rolling out on the palate. This wine is amazingly profound. It goes so well with seafood without any questions and it pairs very well with red meat too. This Sliced Beef with Eggs is a great example. Having doubts? Wait until you try it out!
Rioja Reserva Blanco, R. Lopez de Heredia, Viña Tondonia 2004 Spain 🇪🇸
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2018年一月,是我第一次造訪西班牙里歐哈產區。還記得,當我從遠遠的地方走近洛佩慈· 逸雷蒂雅酒莊時,就被其獨特的建築外型給吸引。一腳踏進釀酒室時,那種陰暗、潮濕、帶點酵母發酵的味道及葡萄酒的香氣,感官震撼之大,讓我久久無法自己。最讓我沈醉也覺得浪漫的地方是,歷經三代傳承的洛佩慈· 逸雷蒂雅酒莊目前仍照著創辦時期所使用的釀酒方式,稟持初衷,保持其風格,不隨著潮流而起舞。酒莊目前由第三代瑪莉亞·何塞、胡立歐·塞薩爾及梅爾德賽·塞薩爾共同經營,他們期許在百年之後,其酒莊釀的酒仍保有百年前的風格樣貌。
洛佩慈· 逸雷蒂雅酒莊是愛喝里歐哈的饕客們絕對不容錯過的百年經典酒莊,其生產的紅酒在國際間享譽盛名。產量稀少的白酒更為珍貴。捨不得一次將瓊漿玉液咕嚕咕嚕地喝下肚,分成兩次品飲並搭配不同的料理。這酒不僅獨樹一幟,也耐人尋味。
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