Off-Dry and Sweet Wines are the Cure for Spicy Food 【吃辣就是要配甜甜的酒才對味】
Baihe Mala Tofu Skin (Baihe Spicy Tofu Skin)
Wine of my choice:
Weingut Borell Diehl Gewürztraminer Kabinett, Pfalz, Germany 🇩🇪 2018
Baihe Mala Tofu Skin Pair With Off-Dry Gewürztraminer from Germany 🇩🇪
All of our friends know that my husband and I love spicy food. We enjoy the spiciness and numbness while having spicy food. We love spicy food so much that we even made it to Chengdu, the capital city of Sichuan, which is famous for its spicy cuisine, two year ago.
One night, my husband, Bruce, suggested that he wanted to make a dish called “Baihe Mala Tofu Skin” (Baihe Spicy Tofu Skin), a local specialty from Baihe, a town located in Longquanyi area in Chengdu, Sichuan. I have never heard of the dish before but intrigued.
Bruce explained that he randomly watched this video 「大師的菜」on YouTube and found it fascinating. The dish is made with thinly sliced tofu skin, ground pork, minced garlic, fermented black soybeans, soy sauce, Doubanjiang (fermented chili bean paste), red pepper powder, ground Sichuan peppercorn and leek.
According to Mr. Fan, the owner/chef of the restaurant, “Fanjia Tofu Skin” featured in 「大師的菜」’s video, he said, “The most important ingredient of the dish is the tofu skin. Good quality tofu skin requires good resilience. It won’t break easily as you pull or cook. Furthermore, it’s all about how you cut it. The thinner you cut; the better texture would be.”
This is only about how you prep the ingredients. Now it comes to the cooking part. Mr. Fan said in the video, “The key to make the dish standing out is how you thicken the sauce by adding cooking starch and incorporate all the ingredients and flavor together. How to define if the dish is cooked to perfection? If there is no soup left in the bowl only a thin layer of oil when the dish is finished, then this bowl of Baihe Mala Tofu Skin serves as a perfect example. If there is a lot of soupy sauce left in the bowl, then the thickening part must go wrong.”
After watching the video with Bruce, it seems super challenging just to make the dish but he has his mind set up and was ready to take the challenge. Well, how would I say no to him if I have the opportunity to taste a new dish and pair wine with it? Oh yes, the challenge was on, for both of us.
After consulting with Bruce on how he planed to make the Baihe Mala Tofu Skin and tasted the dish halfway through, I picked an off-dry Gewürztraminer from Germany to pair with it. I will explain why I picked this wine in the following chapter but let’s us dive in what is Gewürztraminer first and what it tastes like.
Photo credit: Rolf Kranz / Wikimedia Commons / CC by SA-4.0
Grape Variety: Gewürztraminer
Gewürztraminer, a white grape variety with difficult pronunciation to many people, has a complicated parentage and uncertain origin that ampelographers suggest it might be a mutation of Savagnin Rose. The earliest mention of the name Gewürztraminer is written by Johann Metzger (1827) in Germany. The oldest Gewürztraminer vineyard is found in Pfalz, Germany and the vineyard is more than 400-years-old where the grape is called Rotor Traminer.
Although Gewürztraminer is a white grape variety, when ripen, the fruits turn pink to red. The color of the wine is usually gold and tinged with copper hue. Super sensitive to climate and soil, Gewürztraminer tends to grow well in cooler climate but resents chalky soils. It is also prone to many vine diseases and frost. It needs dry and hot summer to ripen in order to develop its aroma compounds.
Different from non-aromatic white grape varieties, Gewürztraminer is known for its distinctively perfumed aromas, such as lychee, rose petals, followed by ripe apricot, yellow peach, pineapple, passion fruit, and melon. Aged Gewürztraminer can develop notes of ginger, allspice and smoke. “Gewürz” in German literally means “spice”. Hence, it’s not hard to imagine the aroma and flavor profiles of the grape variety by just looking at its name.
Wine made with Gewürztraminer can be ranged from dry to sweet. The high sugar content accumulated in Gewürztraminer when ripen makes it a perfect candidate for late harvest sweet wine. Gewürztraminer is usually full-bodied with round mouthfeel and low to moderate acidity. For those who enjoy aromatic wine with low acidity, Gewürztraminer is a wonderful option.
Off-Dry Gewürztraminer from Germany 🇩🇪
The Producer: Weingut Borell Diehl
Located in Hainfeld, Pfalz, in south west of Germany, Borell Diehl is established by husband-and-wife team, Thomas Diehl and Annette Borell, in 1990. The Borell family has worked in the winegrowing business for generations and Thomas is an expert in viticulture. Combining two families’ expertise and love for wine, Borell Diehl serves as a new journey for them to embark on.
Annette and Thomas’s oldest son, George, took over the management of the estate after working at several celebrated wineries in Germany and an internship in New Zealand in 2016. Borell Diehl has entered the second chapter under George’s leadership. The estate vineyards have implied dry farming along with sustainable practices. As of 2018, the wines they produce are certified vegan by the European Vegetarian Union.
What does Borell Diehl Gewürztraminer Kabinett Taste Like?
Made with 100% Gewürztraminer, the wine displays gorgeous golden color with hit of cooper hue. The expressive floral and ripe fruit notes unfold themselves while I pour the wine in the glass. To be specific, aromas of lychee, red rose petals, mango, dried apricot, honey and ogontoh jump out right of the glass. After a sip, the wine is off-dry and perfumed with honeysuckle, lychee, stone fruits, and tropical fruits overlaid with hints of ginger and allspice. The finish lingers in the mouth and I like it so much.
I really enjoy the sweetness of the kabinett level of this Gewürztraminer. The sweetness is just right along with the bright acidity. It is so delightful to sip on just by its own but it could go very well with so many kinds of food, too.
How Does Gewürztraminer Complement the Baihe Mala Tofu Skin?
The experience of tasting the Baihe Mala Tofu Skin is fun and unique. I have no expectation of what the dish would taste like. After a bite, the tofu skin sort of melt in my mouth but still has some texture. The tofu skin serves as a perfect vehicle to carry the thickened sauce, which is salty, spicy, and savory. Ground pork and leek provide another layer of flavor and texture. I would say the flavor is very similar to Mapo Tofu but the tofu is swapped out with tofu skin.
This off-dry Gewürztraminer goes unbelievably well with the Baihe Mala Tofu Skin. The sweetness of the Gewürztraminer not only reduce the pungent feeling on the taste nerves in the mouth, but the spice notes of the wine complement the aroma and flavor of ground Sichuan peppercorn and bring out a new layer of aromas that I didn’t anticipate, which is incredible.
Having off-dry or sweet wine to go with spicy food serves as the same theory of drinking milk or having yogurt to decrease the spiciness in the mouth and stomach. If you haven’t tried this type of pairing, I highly recommend you do so. You may find your tolerance of spiciness gets better after trying this pairing combo.
Where to buy Weingut Borell Diehl Gewürztraminer Kabinett?
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Weingut Borell Diehl Gewürztraminer Kabinett, Pfalz, Germany 🇩🇪 2018
柏合豆腐皮最主要有兩種口味:白味及麻辣。白味就是不辣的口味,以肉末、香菇、番茄、蔥花加上豆腐皮燉煮,以潤、鮮、清爽宜人的滋味著稱; 麻辣則以肉末、豆瓣、蒜蓉、豆豉、醬油、海椒粉、花椒、蒜苗為主,以其顏色、形態、香氣及味道見長,燙而不縮。「不管是烹煮白味或辣味,這道菜成敗的關鍵落在勾芡。芡勾得好,顏色、味道、香氣既能均勻的吸附在芡上,又能包裹著豆腐皮。勾得好的芡是豆腐皮一吃完,碗裡不剩湯,只剩一層薄薄的油。芡勾得不到位的,則豆腐皮吃完就剩了很多湯水。」范老闆在「大師的菜」的視頻裡跟大家分享著。
圖片來源: Rolf Kranz / Wikimedia Commons / CC by SA-4.0
葡萄品種: 格烏茲塔明那 (Gewürztraminer)
格烏茲塔明那,有著非常繞口難念的名字,連很多美國人都不曉得怎麼唸的白葡萄品種。而其真正的發源地及父母是誰,目前還是未知數。葡萄品種誌學家(Ampelographyers)目前所提出最可靠的說法是格烏茲塔明那非常有可能是Savagnin Rose 的變種。在德國最早出現以格烏茲塔明這個葡萄的名字的記載是在Johann Metzger (1827) 寫的書中。全世界最老的格烏茲塔明葡萄園則座落於德國的Pfalz產區,已有四百多年的歷史。
雖然格烏茲塔明那是白葡萄品種,但其果實成熟時顏色會像紅葡萄一般,因此釀造出來的酒顏色通常比較深,常呈現金黃還帶點紅銅的色澤。格烏茲塔明那對氣候及土壤相當的敏感,在偏寒涼的氣候長得特別好,但要是長在白垩土壤含量豐富的土裡,可能就不大妙。另外,它又很容易感染疾病,也怕霜害; 在成長的過程中又需要乾熱的夏季讓果實成熟,得以發展培養其獨特的香氣。
酒莊:Weingut Borell Diehl
座落在德國西部偏南的法爾茲(Pfalz) 產區的小鎮 Hainfeld 內的 Borell Diehl 酒莊是由 Annette Borell and Thomas Diehl 夫妻倆結合兩家人對釀造葡萄酒的熱愛,在 1990 年時共同開創的品牌。他們夫妻倆從一開始 5 公頃的葡萄園發展到至今有 35 公頃的葡萄園。這些葡萄園主要由 7 個地塊組成,分別散落於 Hainfeld 的鎮內。
在頗有名氣的酒莊經歷了一連串的實習後,Annette 及 Thomas 的大兒子George 目前已接手 Borell Diehl 酒莊的經營,開啟了Borell Diehl 酒莊的第二個篇章。Borell Diehl 酒莊所擁有的葡萄園全面採取旱作及永續經營農法耕種。Borell Diehl 酒莊所生產的酒更在2018年時取得了歐洲素食聯盟(European Vegetarian Union)純素產品的認證。
Borell Diehl 格烏茲塔明那 Kabinett 喝起來的口感與風味
這瓶由100% 格烏茲塔明那釀造的白葡萄酒閃爍著耀眼的金黃色澤, 奔放的花香及果香在酒液緩緩倒入杯中時早已滿室馨香。甜美的荔枝、紅玫瑰的芬芳、愛文芒果、杏桃果乾、蜂蜜及黃金糖的香氣爭先恐後地自杯中一躍而出,互不相讓。一入口,爽滑而甜美,佔滿鼻腔的花果香再度在口中湧現。再抿一口酒,甜甜的滋味令人展開笑顏,爽脆的酸度自兩頰生津,解了這份甜膩。
這款酒的餘韻悠長,花果香在口腔中悠轉,久久揮之不去。Kabinett 程度的甜是討喜的,像是珍奶的三分至半糖的甜度。不會太少也不會過多。單喝不覺得膩,搭餐享用也非常適宜。
上哪裏可以找 Weingut Borell Diehl 酒莊的烏茲塔明?
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