酒意思 - Sip with Joyce

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Falanghina Two Ways【法蘭吉娜的一酒兩餐搭】

Falanghina del Sannio from Campania, Italy/ 產自義大利南部卡帕尼亞的法蘭吉娜白酒

Having a hard time to finish a bottle of wine for the night or you wanted to save some and revisit it the next day but don’t know what food to pair with? I feel for you. This project will focus on selecting one bottle of wine and pairing it with at least two different dishes at a time to keep you inspired. Sound fun? Let’s keep reading. 

Steamed Bronzino and Chili Stir-Fried Cauliflower/ 嗆炒白花椰菜及清蒸鱸魚

Wine of my Choice:

  • Cantina del Taburno Taburno Falanghina del Sannio Campania  🇮🇹 2018


  • Steamed Bronzino with Ginger, Scallion and Soy Sauce

  • Szechuan Style Chili Stir-Fried Cauliflower

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  • Homemade Meatballs and Mixed Vegetable Noodle Soup

The Grape: Falanghina

Falanghina, a white grape variety, is consider Campania’s oldest variety along with Aglianico. Thanks to DNA profiling from Costantini et al. (2005), there are at least two genetically distinct Falanghinas grown in Campania. One is Falanghina Beneventana; the other is Falanghina Flegrea. Ian D’Agata, of Native Italian Wine Grapes (2004) expresses his thoughts on Falanghina Beneventana and Falanghina Flegrea: “ Wines made with Falanghina Beneventana have more structure and alcohol than those made with Falanghina Flegrea,… I also find that Falanghina Beneventana wines tend to be more floral, while Falanghina Flegrea wines tend to be less complex but more fruity with flavors and aromas of unripe peach, Golden Delicious apple, apricot kernel, and cherry pit.”

This Taburno Falanghina del Sannio is made by Cantina del Taburno, which belongs to the "Consorzio Agrario di Benevento" (Agricultural Consortium of Benevento). The winery was built in 1972 in Foglianise, located about 50 kilometres northeast of Naples. Cantina del Taburno now has 300 members working with them to vinify their wine in the winery. 

Besides the beautiful gold color, this wine has the seductive citrus-blossom aromas with hint of savory herbal notes on the nose; it displays apple, pear, yellow nectarine on the palate. This Taburno Falanghina is a great example of rich, expressive and full-bodied Falanghina at its best. This Falanghina paired well with the steamed Branzino, even with the ginger, soy sauce based sauce. The savory notes of the wine go perfectly with the umani notes from the soy sauce. What surprised me is how it works with the Szechuan Style Chili Stir-Fried Cauliflower. The roundness, mellow aromas and flavors of the wine just match the spiciness and sweetness of the Stir-Fried Cauliflower seamlessly. 

When the right pairing comes, your sense perception will act before you know it.  


Homemade Meatballs and Mixed Vegetable Noodle Soup/ 沙茶手工肉丸什錦蔬菜湯麵搭配產自義大利南部卡帕尼亞的法蘭吉娜白酒


『一酒兩餐搭』 將成為我們的常設單元,每次為大家介紹一瓶酒搭配多種餐點的可能性,既減低了葡萄酒一次喝不完的壓力,又好像在做實驗一樣,你說有不有趣?


  • Cantina del Taburno Taburno Falanghina del Sannio Campania  🇮🇹 2018 


  • 清蒸鱸魚

  • 嗆炒白花椰菜

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  • 沙茶手工肉丸什錦蔬菜湯麵


法蘭吉娜白葡萄是義大利南部卡帕尼亞(Campania)最古老的葡萄品種之一。在 2005年時,根據 Costantini et al. 的研究結果顯示,卡帕尼亞境內所種植的法蘭吉娜至少有兩種以上基因完全不相同的法蘭吉娜,其中一種叫 Falanghina Flegrea,另一種是Falanghina Beneventana。這兩種法蘭吉娜釀製出來的酒,其風味、口感、酒體各有不同。根據「Native Wine Grapes of Italy」的作者Ian D’agata在他的書裡描述:「Falanghina Beneventana 較 Falanghina Flegrea 富有結構,花香濃郁,酒精濃度也較高。而 Falanghina Flegrea 則果香明顯,帶有未成熟的桃子、黃蘋果、杏桃子,及櫻桃子的香氣,較 Falanghina Beneventana 平易近人。」

這瓶Taburno Falanghina del Sannio是由卡帕尼亞的葡萄酒公會 (Cantina del Taburno )所生產製造。旗下擁有大約六百公頃的葡萄園,共有三百位葡萄酒農與之合作。這瓶酒最吸引人的地方是,除了擁有迷人的金黃色澤外,帶有柑橘與黃色花束的香氣及清新的香草味,礦物味也相當的分明。入口後,蘋果,西洋梨及黃油桃的成熟果味令人著迷; 爽朗的酸度,去油解膩; 搭配清蒸鱸魚或沙茶手工肉丸什錦蔬菜湯麵非常般配; 圓潤飽滿的酒體配上鹹香帶點辣味的嗆炒白花椰菜十分合拍,帶來意想不到的驚喜呢!